Hello kind readers!

Thanks so much for checking out my website. I promise you edgy wit, self-deprecating humour, and more than a few reflections on parenting, aging, and facing the absurd nature of our shared fate.

I would also like to share with you the translation and editing services our company offers, including but not limited to literary translation.
Robert McBryde
Author and Translator

Bonjour chères lectrices et chers lecteurs !

Merci beaucoup d'avoir jeté un coup d'œil à mon site web. Je vous promets un esprit vif, un humour plein d'autodérision et plus que quelques réflexions sur la parentalité, le vieillissement et la confrontation à la nature absurde de notre destin commun.

Je souhaite également partager avec vous les services de traduction et de révision que notre entreprise propose, y compris, mais pas uniquement, la traduction littéraire.
Robert McBryde
Auteur et Traducteur

My Time With You Has Been Short But Very Funny

Featuring personal tales originally prepared for a radio audience, My Time With You Has Been Short But Very Funny is infused with frenetic humour along with undertones of wistfulness and edgy sadness.

Now Available

My Time With you Has Been Short But Very Funny by Author Robert McBryde