Month: February 2024

Recyclage du livre My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny en français!

Recyclage du livre My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny en français! Lancement du livre  Book launch Aujourd’hui, je suis ravi d’annoncer le lancement de la version française de mon livre. Today I’m thrilled to announce the launching of the French version of my book. Recyclage du livre My Time with You..

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The marathon is almost over: I’m staggering to the finish line

The marathon is almost over: I’m staggering to the finish line   November 1966  Grade 10 Oakridge Secondary School London Ontario   The boys’ phys ed teacher, Madman McCarthy, sent us off to run cross country,   Through the desiccated bogs and wasteland surrounding our school.   We wore little white shorts and tee shirts,..

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The unhandy handyman’s lament: A song/La complainte du bricoleur malhabile

La complainte du bricoleur malhabile The unhandy handyman’s lament   Mon ami Andy McClelland, musicien professionnel hautement qualifié, m’a dédié cette chanson, mais elle aurait pu être écrite pour mon père.   My highly skilled professional musician friend Andy McClelland dedicated this song to me, but it could have been written for my father.  ..

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Montreal… Capital City of Eccentricity… Chez Ennio R.I.P. 

Montreal… Capital City of Eccentricity                          Chez Ennio R.I.P. Montreal is the capital city of eccentricity. My all-time favourite local wacky location was Chez Ennio, a fine Italian restaurant on Boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest, a mythic establishment alas now permanently closed. I first learned of Ennio from Bobby D., a friend and colleague, who was an..

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Valentines Day and a Box Social Grade Two Georgetown Ontario 1960

Valentines Day and a Box Social    Grade 2     Miss Betty Jean Anderson (teacher) Georgetown, Ontario, Canada        Around February 14, 1960  Chapel Street School Valentine’s Day coming up…frenetic activity. Who would get the most cards? Popularity depended on volume. Messages: Be mine….You’re so sweet. Corny puns: Some Bunny Loves You (accompanied by..

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How my mother became a pedant

How my mother became a pedant…an excerpt from My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny And a grammar song by the great musician   Stream The Grammar Song by Andy McClelland | Listen online for free on SoundCloud My mother, Angelina Reiser, was born in 1918 of parents who had..

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Still Life Georgetown, Ontario Summer 1961

  Still Life                          Georgetown, Ontario, Summer 1961   His name was Mr. Inglis. We called him the Merry Mailman. He delivered every envelope with the warmest of smiles. I would meet him in the streets of our neighborhood, especially during summer, As he made his daily rounds. He was also my baseball coach. So we..

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Instagram…a musical lament

Instagram…a musical lament Lyrics by Robert McBryde Music by Andy McClelland I’m a fledgling pseudo writer, Just a flash in the pan, A decrepit low tech geezer, But I’m told I need Instagram. My book has very few readers, I’m an also-ran, But young folks say that the solution, Is a presence on Instagram. They..

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Physical mis-education: Bilingual story

The French version of this excerpt from my book titled My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny follows the English. The French version of the book will be published in a very few weeks. Stay tuned! La version française de cet extrait de mon livre Le temps passé avec vous fut bref..

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