Category: News

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees (photo of my mom circa 1950) I was born in 1952, the year that Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president of the United States. Growing up absurd in a small southern Ontario town in the 1950s and 1960s meant being fed a steady diet of..

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Triangulum Galaxy: A Tanka Poem

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known- Carl Sagan   Triangulum Galaxy: A Tanka Poem   Magnified, a flash, Blue cosmic reproduction, Long consummated. Our end also resides in The creative overture.   The astrophotographer Terry Maurice has kindly given his permission to share the brilliant photo that accompanies this posting. For more images..

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Old enough: Riverside Public School, London Ontario 1965

Old enough   I’m old enough to have looked like this; It pains me to say it, But not amiss: The sands of time Don’t lead to bliss. I’m old enough to have looked like this.   I can hardly believe that I won a plaque; But there’s no denying, No turning back. No twisting,..

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Le temps passé avec vous fut bref mais tordant

Le temps passé avec vous fut bref mais tordant L’Antenne, le bulletin mensuel de l’Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), a publié un article sur mon dernier livre. L’antenne – 16 janvier 2024 ( L’Ordre se donne pour mission d’assurer et de promouvoir la compétence et le professionnalisme de ses membres..

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Are the bees for the birds?

Are the bees for the birds? The custom of “telling the bees” is a charming and ancient tradition where beekeepers inform their bees about significant events in their lives, such as deaths, births, marriages, and other major occurrences. This practice is believed to have its roots in Celtic mythology, where bees were seen as messengers..

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Welcome to Hell… September 11, 2001

Welcome to Hell… September 11, 2001 At 9:30 am on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, the telephone rang in the office that I shared with my friend, the French teacher René Moisan. At the other end of the line was his daughter, Geneviève. “Have you seen the news?” she asked, with a peculiar catch in her..

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