David Sedaris and little old me

Most of us have been told at one time or another that we look just like “X” (i.e. my favorite cousin’s best friend’s elder brother/sister/wife/uncle).  Well, what happens when someone tells us that we write a whole lot like “X”?

Since my book My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny received a 4+ star review, IndieReader offered the opportunity to take part in their “All About the Book + Author” interview feature (https://indiereader.com/category/all-about-the-book), which is posted bi-weekly to the IR.

Here is one of the questions that popped up, and I felt obliged to tackle the onerous issue raised above…

IR: Which book do you wish you could have written?

Me: “Oh boy…do I have to pick just one? Yikes!

Let me cheat just a bit…

The Anglo Guide to Survival in Québec (Josh Freed).

The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde).

Questions of Travel (Elizabeth Bishop).

The Moons of Jupiter (Alice Munro).

Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)…

A quick word about David Sedaris, the American humorist, comedian, author, and radio contributor. A number of readers have told me that my storytelling reminds them of the work of David Sedaris. I have not yet read any of his work, but I’m definitely going to do so asap!”

Well, my son gave me The Best of Me by David Sedaris for Christmas. I’ve started to read it. Sedaris is terrific!

(You’ll note that I wear the antlers in our family.)




Robert McBryde Author: David Sedaris, IndieReader approved, adolescence,, hippies, pop music, 1960s, 1970s, blogging, social media,  CBC radio, literary non-fiction, tales, short stories, vignettes, immigrant experience, Quebec anglos, living in France,  childhood and animal stories, creative memoirs, satire, autobiography, family relations, fathers, raising children, aging, facing death, travel, social commentary, love and marriage, translation: English-French; French-English

Publisher’s Note:  Funny, manic, and wistful… self-deprecating creative nonfiction…The author, Robert McBryde, a professional translator, has been compared to David Sedaris for the sometimes-snarky autobiographical satire characterizing his literary sketches. Many of the stories in his new book, titled My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny, have been featured on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio network.


Author’s Note:

I’ve written a new book of creative non-fiction titled My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny, recently published and now on the market. The book is based on stories that I told over the years as a writer/ broadcaster and host on CBC radio based in Quebec City, Canada.

The book is available via my website. The purchase links are at the bottom of the home page.


Normally I will post at least two morning blogs per week. Stay tuned!

If you purchase a book via the platform of your choice, please leave a review!

Here is an excerpt from my IndieReader review:

“[This] memoir is… an enjoyable and touching read. Radio listeners in Quebec are already familiar with the wit and wisdom of Robert McBryde. The non-fiction collection, MY TIME WITH YOU HAS BEEN SHORT BUT VERY FUNNY, gives the rest of the world access to the author’s inimitable style.”


“Please note that [this] book received a rating of 4 stars or above, making it “IndieReader Approved”, a designation we created to make it easier for readers and booksellers to identify quality indie titles. Post the sticker proudly, knowing that your title was judged by top industry professionals—not as merely a great indie book—but as great book, period.”

Here is a link to a cool group book review blog:

My Time With You Has Been Short But Very Funny, a review by Di



And this is a link to Goodreads. A great place to learn about new books and to read reviews.

Di’s review of My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny



And, finally, a review from Amazon…


A Spirited Dive into Life’s Laughter and Tears (amazon.com)

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Happy reading! 😊

Your friend,

