Leonard Cohen: They’ve got you covered


First off…a confession …until very recently, I had no idea what a “cover tune” meant.

Second confession: Now that I know that “covers” refer to artists interpreting other artists’ work, I have to say that there are a great many cover versions of tunes that I prefer to the original piece.

And Leonard Cohen has been “covered” wonderfully by a number of artists, as you can read here:




But the essence of Leonard Cohen, the wonder and the wit, can never be “covered”… nor now that he’s gone, can the essential Leonard ever be recovered.

Did you know that Leonard Cohen was not only a brilliant poet, but also a stellar deadpan comedian?

Check out this 1964 monologue here:




Cohen’s self-deprecation was legendary; he loved to tell stories on himself:




“Leonard Cohen’s towering tune “Hallelujah” was rejected — along with the rest of his “Various Positions” album — by then-CBS Records head Walter Yetnikoff. “He said, ‘Leonard, we know you’re great, but we don’t know if you’re any good,’ ” recalls the late singer-songwriter in the new documentary “Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, a Journey, a Song,”



Do you have cover tunes that you prefer to the originals? Let me know!


I love Himesh Patel’s covers of the Beatles in the terrifically clever film “Yesterday.”




Have you heard Rachael Price, formerly of Lake Street Dive, do “Lola” by the Kinks?




Or Marcus Mumford’s version of Dylan’s “Farewell”?




And so many more!








Much more to come about pop music, covers, and the inimitable Leonard Cohen!







Robert McBryde Author (20+) Facebook

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