Even these stars, which seem so numerous, are as sand, as dust – or less than dust – in the enormity of the space in which there is nothing – Carl Sagan Celestial Deception: A Tanka poem Cocoon nebula Portending a butterfly To the naked eye… Our doors of misperception A cause for celebration?..
Tag: astrophotography
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. Carl Sagan The Pelican Nebula Interstellar dream… Gestation…galactic spawn Nebulous frenzy Triumphant birth… illusion Pelican of lying eyes. Millions of years from now this nebula might no longer be known as the Pelican, as the balance and placement of stars and gas will leave something that appears..
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known- Carl Sagan Triangulum Galaxy: A Tanka Poem Magnified, a flash, Blue cosmic reproduction, Long consummated. Our end also resides in The creative overture. The astrophotographer Terry Maurice has kindly given his permission to share the brilliant photo that accompanies this posting. For more images..
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. – Carl Sagan Inexpressible cosmic beauty…and empty space: A Tanka poem A flash of wonder, Andromeda, galactic, Colours so divine. Spectacular illusion: Artifice fills empty space. Tanka poems follow a set of rules. They all have five lines, and each line..