Tag: dad jokes

Deaf as a post

Deaf as a post For years I have been in denial about my hearing impairment, blaming it on wax build-up and congestion, while secretly recognizing that my experience of a typical soundscape is akin to that of a skin diver trapped in a massive reverberating fishbowl, especially in venues such as bars or restaurants where..

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An Amazing Christmas Present: A Song Adaptation of I’m a Grandpa for Rent

My old friend Andy McClelland is a brilliant singer/songwriter, an Indie musician with an amazing portfolio. He has given me a wonderful Christmas gift by turning two of my poems into songs.   Here is the first tune called… I’m a Grandpa for Rent (Lyrics by Robert McBryde) Give the tune a listen by clicking..

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I am a walking Dad Joke

  Dad Jokes   “A wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a punchline that is often an obvious or predictable pun or play on words and usually judged to be endearingly corny or unfunny.”   Self discovery: I am a peripatetic Dad Joke.   I just learned the term..

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