Pet Influencers…Belatedly Learning How to Pet I am hopeless at marketing: technologically illiterate, too embarrassed to crank up the B.S. bazooka to fine mist, and too pressed for time to learn how to become a literary marketeer. I just learned that there is a marketing concept called Pet Influencers.
Tag: marketing
Atteindre le sommet de la liste globale des pires ventes mondiales Reaching the pinnacle of the international worst seller list English to follow : Mon livre – la version anglaise ainsi que la version française – a franchi une nouvelle étape : Il a battu de nouveaux records en atteignant le sommet de la liste..
Instagram…a lament I’m a fledgling pseudo writer, At most just a flash in the pan, I’m a decrepit low tech old geezer, But I’m told I need Instagram. My book has very few readers, I’m not but an also-ran, But young people contend that the solution, Is a presence on Instagram. ..