Even these stars, which seem so numerous, are as sand, as dust – or less than dust – in the enormity of the space in which there is nothing – Carl Sagan Celestial Deception: A Tanka poem Cocoon nebula Portending a butterfly To the naked eye… Our doors of misperception A cause for celebration?..
Tag: poetry
Elegy for My Grandfather: Remembrance Day 2024 My grandfather, Thomas McBryde, physically survived the trench warfare of World War One, including the Battle of Vimy Ridge (1917), when Canadian forces triumphed at the cost of more than 10,600 soldiers killed and wounded. Thomas McBryde screamed in his sleep throughout his long life, a victim of..
Female or juvenile ruby-throated hummingbird hovering by a dahlia A Haiku poem Fleeting equipoise Hush of regeneration Saved by art alone. How to Write a Haiku, With Examples | Grammarly Blog A haiku is a type of Japanese poem that always uses the same number of syllables in a three-line format: • the first line..
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. Carl Sagan The Pelican Nebula Interstellar dream… Gestation…galactic spawn Nebulous frenzy Triumphant birth… illusion Pelican of lying eyes. Millions of years from now this nebula might no longer be known as the Pelican, as the balance and placement of stars and gas will leave something that appears..
The Loon on Oak-Head Pond cries for three days, in the gray mist. cries for the north it hopes it can find. plunges, and comes up with a slapping pickerel. blinks its red eye. cries again. you come every afternoon, and wait to hear it. you sit a long time, quiet, under the thick pines,..
Reminding me of why I fear the tomb: Fall 2024 Lac Saint-Joseph Quebec Photo Lac Saint-Joseph Quebec Taken by Lorne Coughlin Nothing Gold Can Stay Robert Frost 1874 –1963 Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So..
Turning into a pumpkin: Canadian Thanksgiving 2024 Awakening from a turbulent dream within a dream, So dreaming still, I found myself for a brief shining moment In a glowing paradise of pumpkins. A disembodied voice whispered portentously, “ Weary pilgrim, you are about to turn into a pumpkin… Eternally.” Meaning and origin of..
Mary Oliver Revisted “I wonder a lot about whether or not you can separate an artist from their art. On the one hand it seems obvious that you can – we often fall in love with music or poems or paintings without knowing a thing about their creator. On the other hand, all art is..
Old enough I’m old enough to have looked like this; It pains me to say it, But not amiss: The sands of time Don’t lead to bliss. I’m old enough to have looked like this. I can hardly believe that I won a plaque; But there’s no denying, No turning back. No twisting,..
Joy Comes Back When you finally realise that joy is less fireworks more firefly less orchestra more birdsong she will come back much more often for joy will not fight with the fast pace of this life she is not in the shiny or the new she breathes in the basic shimmers in the..