Tag: Quebec anglos

We never got to mourn our friend: A tribute to Dr. Robbie Mahood on the third anniversary of his death on December 26, 2021

We never got to mourn our friend: A tribute to Dr. Robbie Mahood on the third anniversary of his death on December 26, 2021 We were living far away from Canada when we learned of the death of our good friend Robbie Mahood on December 26, 2021. We never had the opportunity to mourn his..

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Le temps passé avec vous fut bref mais tordant

Le temps passé avec vous fut bref mais tordant L’Antenne, le bulletin mensuel de l’Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), a publié un article sur mon dernier livre. L’antenne – 16 janvier 2024 (mailchi.mp) L’Ordre se donne pour mission d’assurer et de promouvoir la compétence et le professionnalisme de ses membres..

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Moses de Boswell…learning to curse and swear the Québécois way…pour La fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste – La fête nationale du Québec

Moses de Boswell…learning to curse and swear the Québécois way for Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day – Quebec’s national holiday Having been raised in a repressive Protestant community, I have always loved to curse and swear. (As small child, I was led to believe that I would roast in hell for eternity as punishment for this proclivity.)  ..

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The real reason that we returned to Canada: My wife Anne missed Simons too much to remain in France

The real reason that we returned to Canada: My wife Anne missed Simons too much to remain in France.   Here is an excerpt from the story “Excuse My French” from the book entitled My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny. Simons, a clothing and department store, is a Quebec and even..

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Seen but not heard/ A legacy of bad parenting

Seen but not heard My father’s attitude toward children was simple: They were to be seen but not heard; Or preferably not seen… nor heard. That was the simplest solution of all for Jim McBryde.   Dad had a particularly hard spot For rambunctious boys, Especially from my mother’s side of the family; Cousins Johnny..

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The Trial of Duddy Kravitz

The Trial of Duddy Kravitz This is Academy Award week and one the films in line for best picture is a brilliant courtroom drama titled Anatomy of a Fall ((Anatomie d’une chute).   My family has always loved courtroom dramas. So I created trials with and for my students. Here is a piece about Duddy..

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Recyclage du livre My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny en français!

Recyclage du livre My Time with You Has Been Short but Very Funny en français! Lancement du livre  Book launch Aujourd’hui, je suis ravi d’annoncer le lancement de la version française de mon livre. Today I’m thrilled to announce the launching of the French version of my book. Recyclage du livre My Time with You..

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Montreal… Capital City of Eccentricity… Chez Ennio R.I.P. 

Montreal… Capital City of Eccentricity                          Chez Ennio R.I.P. Montreal is the capital city of eccentricity. My all-time favourite local wacky location was Chez Ennio, a fine Italian restaurant on Boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest, a mythic establishment alas now permanently closed. I first learned of Ennio from Bobby D., a friend and colleague, who was an..

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The Happy Brothers/ Les frères Šťastný

The Happy Brothers/ Les frères Šťastný Two seemingly disparate fragments of history, one with a decidedly personal edge… Fragment one Anton Šťastný and Peter Šťastný chose to defect from Czechoslovakia to Quebec City, Canada, in late August 1980. Older brother Marian defected a year later to join them on the NHL Nordiques. The professional hockey..

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David Sedaris and little old me

David Sedaris and little old me Most of us have been told at one time or another that we look just like “X” (i.e. my favorite cousin’s best friend’s elder brother/sister/wife/uncle).  Well, what happens when someone tells us that we write a whole lot like “X”? Since my book My Time with You Has Been..

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