Even these stars, which seem so numerous, are as sand, as dust – or less than dust – in the enormity of the space in which there is nothing – Carl Sagan Celestial Deception: A Tanka poem Cocoon nebula Portending a butterfly To the naked eye… Our doors of misperception A cause for celebration?..
Tag: Tanka
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. – Carl Sagan Inexpressible cosmic beauty…and empty space: A Tanka poem A flash of wonder, Andromeda, galactic, Colours so divine. Spectacular illusion: Artifice fills empty space. Tanka poems follow a set of rules. They all have five lines, and each line..
This porcelain heart This porcelain heart May crack with the weight of time Or shatter through mishap But it will live in my heart Until stern death do us part. Tanka poems follow a set of rules. They all have five lines and each line follows a pattern: the first line has five syllables,..
Dads with fedoras…A Tanka poem about a 1950s childhood Childhood: an ocean Of dads in fedora hats… Oh a kid could drown! Only present in absence, Dads erased; headgear remains. Tanka poems follow a set of rules. They all have five lines and each line follows a pattern: the first line has..
Upside down mothering A cinquain: five lines for five newborn kittens Mother’s Day 2024 Feline Matron upside Downside… woes…parenting Small mewling kittens…small problems, Soon…big! https://www.masterclass.com/articles/cinquain-poetry-guide First line: The first line of an American cinquain has two syllables and one stressed syllable. Second line: The second line of an American..
Spring season in the autumn of my life…a Tanka poem Perched on a sparse branch A plump winged miracle Ready for flight. Am I prepared for take off In the autumn of my life? https://www.masterclass.com/articles/a-guide-to-japanese-poetic-forms https://www.masterclass.com/articles/tanka-poem-defined-plus-examples https://www.masterclass.com/articles/cinquain-poetry-guide When written in English, tanka poems must meet criteria concerning their structure and content…