Thailand: Where tackiness is next to godliness

Our younger son spends much of his time in Thailand, a world chock full of all things tacky, of corniness, of kitsch.

Tongue -in-cheek, he suggests that I move to Thailand where my broken foot would never impede shopping, not with such vehicles as you see in this picture readily at hand.


He points out that I wouldn’t even need a driver’s license to zip about the shops.


If you’re inexplicably drawn to hard core corn,

Plan a visit to Thailand,

Where smiles await you,

And it’s hard to stay forlorn.

I’ve written about Thailand here:


Ode to Thailand: Antlers and Ancestors Part One…Antlers – Robert McBryde (

And here:


Ode to Thailand: Antlers and Ancestors Part Two Ancestors and Spirit Houses – Robert McBryde (

Your friend,
